Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sabah For Sabahan
You all must be aware by now that Pairin and his brother, Jefrrey (now in PKR) tried to bring Sabah out of Malaysia. This campaign got Jeffrey one way ticket to ISA. Pairin manage to hold Sabah for few years until Anwar the gay came and start throwing money around. This generous donations made few PBS politicians become "frogs" thus destroying the PBS grip on Sabah. The sentiment still very strong thou, don't believe me? Try ask anyone in Sabah how they feel about west Malaysian...
Anyway, I think things are better there in Sabah. The people have begun opening their mind and heart to what we "Malaya" people can offer them and together we can prosper. The kadazan dusun community too have migrated to KL for better income. I see many Sabahan in KL and they don't speak with thick Sabahan accent anymore.
Back to Yong Teck Lee. When he was the CM for Sabah, yes! he was the Sabah CM in 1997, he did nothing for the state...I can't blame him thou because his term was very short as it was still under rotation as per directed by Tun Mahathir. Don't get me wrong, it is necessary for the CM post to be rotate as there was too many people wanted to become CM. Everybody have their reason to push their leader to become Sabah CM.
Anyway, back in those days, everyone can spot Yong Teck Lee due to his side burn....
1997 (Before)
Do you see the different? NO right! Well, Yong Teck Lee has his side burn since good old days. I think he must be trap in a different year or just confuse which year is now. We used to call him "Yong Teck Lee Halal" because his name does remind me of yong tau foo and since he help a lot of people, he is "halal" to all.
One thing you must admit about Yong Teck Lee Halal is that he does care about his voters. He is the type of YB that will make time to visit his area and listen to people. The only thing bad about him is, he is on the wrong side of the goverment.
Now he is campaigning for "Sabah for Sabahan". Well in the first place, he is not Kadazan dusun or Bajau...he is chinese. No offense to my chinese friends, but since when does a china man is a native of Sabah?
Yong Teck Lee need to retire and do his charity work. Leave the new politic games to the younger generations. He is old and have no clue what is going on. He is also the person responsible to the lost of RM114 here.
All in all, I do think he is out of his league this time but we can never be sure...all Yong Teck Lee need is 1,000 votes to make a point that he is still popular and have influence in Sabah. It will be bad news for PKR candidate if Yong Teck Lee can have more votes than him....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mereka Yang Pertikaikan Kedudukan Orang Melayu Buta Sejarah.
- Rakyat Malaysia dari mana-mana kaum yang mempersoal atau mempertikaikan Perkara 153 dalam Perlembagaan negara yang mengiktiraf kedudukan dan hak istimewa orang Melayu dan Bumiputera adalah buta sejarah dan tidak memahami Perlembagaan, kata pakar sejarah, Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim.
- Beliau berkata kedudukan orang Melayu sudah ditetapkan pada zaman dahulu iaitu ketika zaman penjajahan British lagi.
- “Bila British sampai ke Tanah Melayu, mereka dapati terdapat beberapa tempat di Semenanjung sudah mempunyai kerajaan dan mereka mengiktiraf kerajaan tersebut.
- “Kerajaan itu ada ramai rakyat (orang Melayu) dan bagi British, rakyat kepada raja itu mempunyai hak yang khusus, orang lain yang datang dan menetap di Tanah Melayu bukan rakyat raja, oleh demikian mereka tidak dapat menikmati hak yang ada pada orang Melayu,” katanya kepada Bernama disini.
- Beliau berkata orang bukan Melayu di Semenanjung pada ketika itu bukanlah warga negara ataupun rakyat raja dan mereka hanya berpeluang untuk memohon kewarganegaraan apabila Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ditubuhkan pada 1 Februari 1948.
- “Apabila British mula merancang penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sebagai sebuah negara bangsa, apa yang sudah wujud disambung, menjelang tahun 1957, Perlembagaan Persekutuan digubal dan dimasukkan perkara-perkara yang sudah wujud,” katanya.
- Justeru,kata Khoo, rakyat khususnya kaum-kaum lain perlu sama-sama menghormati hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan kerana pada ketika ia digubal dahulu, kaum lain sendiri sudah bersetuju dengan perkara-perkara yang dimasukkan dalam Perlembagaan tersebut.
- “Kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu telah bermula sejak dahulu dan berasaskan sistem kerajaan yang wujud di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Di Semenanjung, sejak 1895 sudah ada sembilan kerajaan yang kekal sampai ke hari ini,”katanya.
- Perlembagaan telah dirangka berdasarkan nasihat daripada Suruhanjaya Reid yang telah melakukan kajian pada tahun 1956, Perlembagaan itu kemudian berkuatkuasa apabila negara mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957.
- Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Malaysia memberi hak kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, bertanggungjawab menjaga hak-hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera mana-mana negeri Borneo (Sabah dan Sarawak) serta kepentingan-kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain mengikut peruntukan perkara ini.
- Ia juga secara terperinci menjelaskan bagaimana kerajaan persekutuan mempertahankan kepentingan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera dengan menetapkan kuota untuk kemasukan perkhidmatan awam, biasiswa dan pendidikan awam, pemberian permit dan lesen perniagaan.
- Khoo berkata punca mengapa kebelakangan kini terdapat pihak-pihak yangmempersoalkan mengenai hak-hak dan keistimewaan yang dinikmati oleh orang Melayu adalah kerana masyarakat pada masa kini sudah buta sejarah.
- “Orang tak faham (Perlembagaan)…jahil, mereka tidak tahu apa yang boleh dilakukan dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan, tidak perlu ada perbincangan atau perbahasan mengenai Perlembagaan kerana apa yang penting ikut saja undang-undang yang telah diguna pakai sejak dulu,”katanya.
- Beliau berkata sekiranya Perlembagaan mahu dipinda, persetujuan daripada dua pertiga Anggota Parlimen perlu dicapai dan mendapat perkenaan Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
- Katanya,sesiapa yang mahu menghapuskan atau meminda Perkara 153 pula, perlu mendapatkan persetujuan orang Melayu dan Bumiputera terlebih dahulu selain majoriti di Parlimen dan perkenan Seri Paduka Baginda.
- “Kalau Perkara 153 perlu dipinda atau dihapuskan, keseluruhan orang Melayu mesti setuju, kalau orang Melayu rasa belum sedia untuk pinda, maka ia tidak boleh dipinda,” katanya.
- Bulan lepas, MCA menggariskan 13 resolusi pada Kongres Ekonomi Cina antaranya meminta kerajaan mementingkan keupayaan merit dan bukannya kuota bagi memberi peluang kepada semua pihak untuk bersaing secara sihat dan adil.
- Kenyataan ini secara tidak langsung menggesa kerajaan agar memansuhkan Perkara153 dan cuba mempertikaikan tanggungjawab yang ada pada ketua negaraia itu Yang di-Pertuan Agong yang memelihara hak dan keistimewaan orang Melayu.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Just A Theory Why Anwar Not PKR Member.
It seems my question cannot be answered by any of them and to my suprised, I got another message from another guy asking whether it is true that Anwar is not PKR member. I replied and told him that Anwar is not PKR member but I know many people would like to know why Anwar is not PKR member. There would be lots of questions to why Anwar not PKR member because he is the PKR "de facto" party leader after all.
Now, how can you be a "de facto" leader when you are not a member of the party? So what is the meaning of De Facto in politics? In politics, "a de facto leader is one who has assumed authority, regardless of whether by lawful, constitutional, or legitimate means; very frequently the term is reserved for those whose power is thought by some faction to be held by unlawful, unconstitutional, or otherwise illegitimate means, often by deposing a previous leader or undermining the rule of a current one. De factoleaders need not hold a constitutional office, and may exercise power in an informal manner". To make it short and simple, Anwar can decide what he wants to do in PKR without being a member and will not be liable for his actions.
Is it clear now? Let me make it more clear. A person who can decide what to do and not held responsible is not good for a party or leader. Anwar have the support to be the PKR president but he don't want to, why? I'll get to that in short while. Anyway let me recap some of Anwar brief "contribution" to Malaysia as per wikipedia (Let it be known that wikipedia is NOT UMNO controlled media, that is a fact!":
- From 1968 to 1971, as a student, Anwar was the president of a Muslim students organisation, Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). Around the same time, he was also the president of Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Malaya (PBMUM). He was one of the protem committee of Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) or Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia which was founded in 1971. He was also elected President of the Malaysian Youth Council or Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM).
- In 1974, Anwar was arrested during student protests against rural poverty and hunger. This came as a report surfaced stating that a family died from starvation in a village in Baling, in the state of Kedah, despite the fact that it never happened. He was imprisoned under the Internal Security Act, which allows for detention without trial, and spent 20 months in the Kamunting Detention Centre.
- In 1968-1971, he was first groomed in the National Union of Malaysian Muslim Students (Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia, PKPIM) as the president of the Union.
- In 1982, Anwar, who was the founding leader and second president of a youth Islamic organisation called Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), shocked his liberal supporters by joining theUnited Malays National Organisation (UMNO), led by Mahathir bin Mohamad, who had become prime minister in 1981.
- He moved up the political ranks quickly: his first ministerial office was that of Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in 1983; after that, he headed the agriculture ministry in 1984 before becoming Minister of Education in 1986. By then, speculation was rife about Anwar's ascent to the Deputy Prime Minister's position as it was a commonly-occurring phenomenon in Malaysia for the Education Minister to assume the position of Deputy PM in the near future.
- During his tenure as Education Minister, Anwar introduced numerous pro-Malay policies in the national school curriculum. One of the major changes that he did was to rename the national language from Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Melayu (isn't that racist?).
- Non-Malays criticized this move as it would cause the younger generation to be detached from the national language, since they would attribute it to being something that belongs to the Malays and not to Malaysians.
- In 1991 Anwar was appointed Minister of Finance. In 1993, he became Mahathir's Deputy Prime Minister after winning the Deputy Presidency of UMNO against Ghafar Baba.
- There is report on Anwar using large cash payments to win support. Anwar is alleged to have resorted to money politics to secure his position as deputy president of UMNO. Anwar's followers were witnessed by even foreign journalists handing out packets of money to acquire support of UMNO division leaders. These followers are said to be working under Anwar's instructions (so money politics started by Anwar...hmmm).
- Anwar was being groomed to succeed Mahathir as prime minister, and frequently alluded in public to his "son-father" relationship with Mahathir; in early 1997, Mahathir appointed Anwar to be acting Prime Minister while he took a two-month holiday.
- Towards the end of the 1990s, however, the relationship with Mahathir had begun to deteriorate, triggered by their conflicting views on governance. In Mahathir's absence, Anwar had independently taken radical steps to improve the country's governing mechanisms which were in direct conflict with Mahathir's capitalist policies. Issues such as how Malaysia would respond to a financial crisis were often at the forefront of this conflict.
- Anwar's frontal attack against what he described as the widespread culture of nepotism and cronyism within UMNO (and the ruling coalition as a whole) angered Mahathir, as did his attempts to dismantle the protectionist policies that Mahathir had set up. "Cronyism" was identified by Anwar as a major cause of corruption and misappropriation of funds in the country.
- During the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis Anwar, as finance minister, supported the International Monetary Fund (IMF) plan for recovery (remember when bank loan interest went up as high as 20%?). He also instituted an austerity package that cut government spending by 18%, cut ministerial salaries and deferred major projects. "Mega projects", despite being a cornerstone of Mahathir's development strategy, were greatly curtailed.
- Although many Malaysian companies faced bankruptcy, Anwar declared: "There is no question of any bailout. The banks will be allowed to protect themselves and the government will not interfere." Anwar advocated a free-market approach to the crisis, including foreign investment and trade liberalisation. Mahathir blamed unchecked currency speculators like George Soros and supported currency controls and tighter regulation of foreign investment.
- In 1998 Newsweek magazine named Anwar the "Asian of the Year". However, in that year, matters between Anwar and Mahathir came to a head around the time of the quadrennial UMNO General Assembly. The Youth wing of UMNO, headed by Anwar's associate Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, gave notice that it would initiate a debate on "cronyism and nepotism". The response was swift, as Mahathir issued lists of cronies who had benefited from government share allocations and privatisations. The list included Anwar and Zahid, along with several of Anwar's other allies (so who actually practise cronyism..Mahathir or Anwar?).
- In the list, Anwar's father and his two brothers are shown to have received shares allocated by the government for the bumiputra. His father Datuk Ibrahim Abdul Rahman and his brothers, Farizan and Marzukhi, hold shares amounting to more than 7.1 million units in three companies.
- On 2 May 1998, Dato' Ibrahim Abdul Rahman owned 250,000 shares of Pengkalen Holdings Berhad and 3,790,500 of Nissan Industrial Oxygen Incorporated. Farizon owned 250,000 shares of Pengkalen Holdings Berhad. Marzukhi owned 2,800,000 shares in Penas Corporation. In the list, Ibrahim Abdul Rahman owned 2,000,000 shares in Industrial Oxygen Incorporated Bhd in 1993.
- Anwar want to become PM one day. He missed his oppurtunity and now out with a vengance! The only way he can be PM is by JOINING UMNO! Yes! that is the truth!
- Anwar cannot be PM with PKR because UMNO still have Malay majority. After all PKR is just a small party with only 500k members compare to 3.5 million UMNO members.
- The only way he can "forced' his way into UMNO is by creating a divertion or "smoke screen". PKR is his tool of choice. He have already have few friends that willing to help him. These friends are planted in UMNO.
- Anwar's UMNO friends manage to get him free and even rush to the airport, just to send his passport so he can go for his "neck" treatment in Germany.
- Anwar's UMNO friends too managed to break the Malay voters by dividing the Malays with such issue as religion, Malay rights and more. You may not realized this but since Pak Lah took over as PM, he got special advisor to advise him on what to do, and this so called "advisor" was known to be Anwar's daughter exboyfriend but decided to jump ship when Anwar was sack from being DPM.
- Then more of his UMNO friends decided to start "cancer" virus within UMNO so it look like UMNO is breaking up. Well this tactics works and we can see the result in PRU 12 where BN lost many states.
- So when UMNO is desprate to gain back the voters, Anwar expect UMNO will bow down and plea bargain a deal with him to join UMNO..BUT can this work?
- By now some of Anwar cronies are holding high position in UMNO. If they allow him to come back, they would have to be "demoted" or maybe stab from behind by Anwar because they abandon him when he was sack in 1988.
- So what to do? Anwar making more threats and pushing his luck by becoming PR leader. WAIT! How can he be a leader of PR when he himself does not belong to any party? Can you see the pattern now?
- Anwar want to keep his option open and hope UMNO will crumble in the near future and offer him to comeback to UMNO so he can proclaimed as savior of the Malay race.
- Can this be done? He is not getting any younger, so he need to do something fast and decisive. What can he do?
- In desprate attempt, Anwar decided to play the religion, race and some blackmailing card! He supported Hindraft cause which is totally opposite his stands when he was the ABIM president (I must remind you, he abandon ABIM and join UMNO).
- Anwar can agrees with DAP about abolishing the Malays right (again against his early ideals)
- It seems Anwar willing to do anything as long as he can shake and force UMNO to take him back. He don't care what happen to the country, he just want to achieved his objective no matter what it takes.
- Anwar knows that it is difficult to bring in money and buy his way in UMNO. If he is allowed to bring in money and start his old habits, we will see UMNO crumbles as we must remember that Anwar still have cronies in UMNO.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
UMNO 61 General Meeting
1. Malays should not worry and fall into the racisist propaganda spin by DAP that the Malay rights can be revoked if opposition have 2/3 majority in parliment.
2. IF opposition do have the 2/3 majority, they would find it almost impossible to revoked the Malay rights because they would need consents of the Malay Sultans to do so.
3. I'm sure not all malay MP's would agrees to the chamge, after all, they still are Malay.
4. Even with these obstacles, the Malays cannot rest and take for granted it cannot happen. We as Malays must make sure the opposition cannot get the chance to do so.
5. Few good proposals was brought up and I wish it could happen in the near future. One proposal that interest me was the proposal to set up "Ulama" council in UMNO. the council can tackle religious issues and explain to people where UMNO stands in such issues.
6. UMNO have religious biro but the biro seems not functioning. With the Ulama Council, the biro can be strenghten and UMNO can be more effective in dealing with religious issues.
7. After 3 days of the meeting, nothing much change. I still see more talks and no action. Last year meeting promises reform in UMNO but untill today, we see no change in UMNO approach to the general voters. Why?
8. UMNO leader are still in dreamland. Grassroot members want to be heard but their voices are drowned by the corrupt branch and division leaders. Corrupted in a sense of responsibility and awareness! The branch and division leaders still have no clue why UMNO is not liked by the voters.
9. No solid plan was outlined by the party on how to combat the opposition growing popularity. All I see was people busy doing business.
10. UMNO need to go back to the old ways of winning votes from voters. We need to be sincere in our objective, vision and championing the Malays.
This blog was updated via my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Say YES To Warisan Merdeka Tower Project
It is very interesting how DAP manage to get 100k supporters to condemn the building of Warisan Merdeka Tower (WMT) within 6 days. It just shows that their lies spinning works well among those who are in denial or just plain ignorant. DAP argument to oppose the building of WMT are for better:
1. Education
2. Health Care
3. Public Transportation
4. Safer Neighborhood
5. Cleaner Water
Well let me tell you DAP or better yet, Lim Kit Siang, Our education system can be better if we have only one school system. With one school system, the government don't have to divide the yearly budget to three ways (Kebangsaan, Chinese and Tamil). We would not have to hire teachers specialized in Mandarin and Tamil..we don't have to print books in Chinese and Tamil.
After all, for 2011, a total of RM6.4 billion is allocated for development expenditure to build and upgrade schools, RM111 million for PERMATA programmed including the construction of the second phase of Sekolah PERMATA Pintar school complex, RM250 million allocated for Development Expenditure for religious schools, Chinese-type schools, Tamil national schools, missionary schools and Government-assisted schools nationwide and the Government allocates RM576 million in the form of scholarships for those teachers wishing to further their studies.
The last time I went to general hospital, that was few days back, majority of the patient are Malays and Indians. The Chinese would rather go to private hospital. Our government hospital too are well equip with modern equipment and specialist doctors. The government even allocated RM15.5 billion to the social sector, including education and training, health, welfare, housing and community development.
On public transportation, I would like to point out that the government have allocated RM40 billion from private investment to implement the Mass Rapid Transit project which will be implemented beginning 2011 and completed by 2020. For safer neighborhood, the government have allocated another RM350 million to the PDRM.
And finally about cleaner water. I'm sure our water is clean because I just drank it from tap water! Hahaha. Anyway, our water is in good hands and I have never heard about us having shortage of water.
Lim kit siang sure knows how to intimidate normal people with his bunch of bull. I have visit the so called "Fan" page set out to show that people rejects PNB Warisan Merdeka Tower. Most of them are Chinese...isn't it just typical? There are 27 million Malaysian and yet not even 1 percent support the abolishment of
I truly feels we need to set the record straight why we need to do another mega project. It has been proven in the past that with mega project like
With mega project like PNB's
1. More jobs being created
2. Inc rease our income percapita
3. Attracts foreign investment
4. Improve our economy
From my understanding, the government has allocated enough money for all Lim Kit Siang argument or claims. DAP is just as manupulative as ever with twisted facts. They want to make sure we failed and will do anything to make sure this happen. They don't care about the people! They are communist! And communist never take care of their people. This has been proven in China, Russia and North Korea (before they open their market ).
I would welcome any remarks but please let's show we can do this project and don't let people like Lim Kit Siang fooled you with tall tales!
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Apa sangat beza UMNO dgn PAS? Baca sikit! FAKTA!
By Azizi Azizan on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 3:53pm.
21 Perkara yang mungkin anda tak tahu tapi buat2 tahu ttg situasi politik Malaysia..Jgn main label org ikut fahaman sendiri..Kaji dulu....
1. Kata PAS : UMNO menjadi kafir kerana berkerjasama dengan parti-parti kafir seperti MIC dan MCA. “Sesiapa yang reda dengan kufur maka dia menjadi kufur..” (Kuliah Di Marang 1983)
KEMUDIANNYA.,PAS berkerjasama dan berpelukan dengan DAP dan calon-calon bukan Islam dalam pilihan...raya ke-11 & 12.
2. Kata PAS: “Haram orang Islam memangkah calon yang kafir. Ini kerana Allah mengharamkan melantik orang kafir menjadi pemimpin”.
KEMUDIANNYA.. Dalam pilihanraya ke-12 PAS meminta ahli-ahlinya memangkah calon bukan Islam dari parti PKR dan DAP. Bahkan PAS meredai Guan Eng sebagai pemimpin mereka di P.Pinang.
3. PAS kata: “Kerajaan BN adalah kerajaan mungkar kerana membiarkan kilang-kilang arak dan kelab-kelab malam beroperasi”
KEMUDIANNYA.. Selepas PAS dan rakan-rakan menang di Selangor, mereka tidak pula membantah kilang-kilang arak yang besar-besar di negeri itu seperti Carlsberg di Shah Alam dan Kelab The Ship yang PAS begitu marah pada masa lalu.
4. PAS kata kepada Pak Lah semasa beliau TPM diarahkan mengawal virus JE: “Badawi di arab jaga unta, badawi di Malaysia jaga? Babi? ”
KEMUDIANNYA.. Kerajaan Selangor yang disertai oleh PAS cuba mengendalikan urusan Babi bahkan mencanggihkan ladang ?! Babi, tak pulak PAS kata kerajaan mereka ‘kerajaan Babi’.
5 PAS kata: Tun Dr. Mahathir firaun, thaghut, dosanya tidak terampun, perosak negara, kejam dan berbagai lagi.
KEMUDIANNYA.. Bila Tun Tun Dr. Mahathir kritik Pak Lah, PAS puji Tun Dr. Mahathir, ada pemimpin pemuda PAS yang cium tangan Tun Dr. Mahathir semasa dia ceramah di Tmn Melewar. PAS kata: “Tun Dr. Mahathir bijaksana, negarawan terbilang, sangat berjasa, kuat memikirkan kepentingan negara, Malaysia memerlukan orang seperti Tun Dr. Mahathir bukan Pak Lah”.
6. Masa Anwar Ibrahim duduk dalam UMNO, PAS kata : “Anwar munafik, pengkhianat agama, jual agama, berpura-pura…”
KEMUDIANNYA.. Bila Anwar kena pecat, PAS kata: “UMNO buang Anwar sebab dia pejuang Islam, dia memerangi rasuah dan itu tandanya UMNO anti-Islam”.
7. Masa Anwar dituduh dengan tuduhan seks, PAS kata: “Dalam Islam tidak boleh tuduh orang dengan tuduhan seks, melainkan kena ada empat orang saksi”. Macam tu juga depa kata semasa Mat Sabu dituduh berkhalwat.
KEMUDIANNYA.. Bila PAS ceramah, ramai penceramah PAS tuduh pemimpin UMNO dengan tuduhan seks dan berbagai, PAS kata: “Ini tujuannya untuk menegakkan Islam iaitu Amar Makruf dan Nahi Mungkar..”
8. PAS kata: “Sesiapa yang menolak hudud kerana masyarakat majmuk maka dia menjadi kafir”
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS Kedah yang baru memerintah kata : “Kedah tidak boleh buat macam Kelantan dalam semua benda seperti tutup pusat judi, sebab di Kedah ramai orang bukan Islam, bukan macam Kelantan.
9. PAS kata: “Bersekongkol dengan parti politik yang tidak bepegang dengan dasar Islam jadi sesat atau kufur”.
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS berkawan dan berjihad bersama PKR. Bahkan PKR yang memimpin PAS sekarang, sedangkan parti Anwar itu tidak pun menyebut dalam perlembagaannya Islam sebagai dasar.
10. PAS kata: “Kerajaan yang tidak berusaha menjalankan hukum hudud adalah kerajaan yang Quran kata: “Sesiapa yang tidak berhukum dengan hukum Allah, maka mereka adalah orang-orang kafir”.
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS Kedah kata : “Hudud tidak termasuk dalam keutamaan kerajaan PAS Kedah” (Datuk Seri Azizan Razak, MB Kedah)
11. PAS kata: “UMNO mungkar sebab benarkan pembinaan kuil-kuil yang banyak, terutama Batu Caves”.
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS Kelantan telah izinkan tokong Buddha tidur yang terbesar di Asia.
12. PAS kata: UMNO mungkar sebab benarkan geng-geng liberal yang menghina Islam menulis dalam surat khabar seperti Astora Jabat, SIS dan lain-lain.
KEMUDIANNYA.. Harakah benarkan Raja Petra yang selalu mempertikaikan Islam menulis dalamnya. Hanya kerana Raja Petra menghentam kerajaan.
13. Amanat Hadi kata: Menentang UMNO adalah jihad dan jika mati syahid sebab UMNO tak pakai undang Islam memerintah.
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS perintah Kelantan dah 18 tahun, Trengganu 4 tahun dan sekarang Kedah, Perak dan Selangor, dan sekarang kata undang-undang hudud bukan keutamaan PAS. Apakah jika menentang PAS sekarang adalah jihad dan syahid?
14. PAS kata : UMNO tak amanah kerana telah hilangkan banyak duit negara
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS telah lesapkan banyak duit koperasinya sendiri Ko-Hilal. Ahli-ahli koperasi itu semua maklum hal tersebut, wang mereka hilang entah ke mana?
15. PAS kata: “Tidak boleh berkerjasama dengan UMNO sebab UMNO tolak Islam”
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS kerjasama dengan DAP yang selalu dok kata: “Kami menentang negara Islam” (YB Lim Kit Siang). Bahkan PAS Perak kata: “Kerjasama dalam kerajaan bersama DAP, lebih mulia dari berkerjasama dengan UMNO”.
16. PAS kata: “UMNO tak layak mengaku nak Islam sebab UMNO tidak mempunyai ciri-ciri Islam yang sepatutnya”
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS sekarang berkempen mengwar-warkan bahawa pimpinan tertinggi mereka yang disanjungi di Penang iaitu Lim Guan Eng ingin meniru khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Apakah iman Guan Eng begitu suci dan sempurna bagi PAS? Mungkin lepas ini PAS akan beritahu bahawa Guan Eng kuat sembahyang tahajud macam khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
17. PAS kata: “UMNO tidak mahu cegah mungkar masa memerintah”
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS hanya mendiamkan diri dengan berbagai pusat-pusat mungkar yang ada di Perak, Pulau Pinang,Selangor dan Kedah.
18. PAS kata: “Tidak boleh wujudkan jemaah Islam yang lain selain PAS yang merupakan jemaah pertama di Malaya. Mereka yang wujud itu adalah penentang gerakan Islam” (Ketua Dewan Ulama PAS, Harun Taib).
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS meredai kewujudan parti-parti lain seperti PKR, Semangat 46, bahkan berkerjasama dengan begitu erat dengan mereka. Kanapa boleh? Kenapa tak suruh masuk PAS saja?
19. Semasa berkerjasama dengan Parti Semangat 46 : PAS memuji-muji Tengku Razaleigh, Rais Yatim dengan pujian yang sakan tentang kebijaksanaan mereka. Bahkan PAS bertakbir dalam majlis mereka.
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS kutuk depa semua dan kata macam-macam. Sedangkan dulu puji sakan dan berlebih-lebihan. Mereka memang asal dari UMNO, adakah PAS lupa? Apakah selepas ini PAS juga akan mengutuk PKR dan DAP jika kerja sama itu gagal?
20. PAS kata: Tidak boleh berpakat, atau cenderung hati dengan orang kafir yang menentang Islam. Itu boleh batal Islam!
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS menerusi PKR berbaik-baik dengan pemimpin HINDRAF yang menentang keistimewaan Islam dalam negara ini. Bahkan PAS kata: “Kita tidak berminat menentang Hndraf, itu hak mereka untuk berdemonstrasi” (Harakah)
21. PAS kata haram menyertai UMNO atau tolong UMNO sebab dasar mereka tak Islam.
KEMUDIANNYA.. PAS tak marah pula orang sertai PKR dan DAP, bahkan PAS tolong mereka supaya menang dalam PRU ke-12.
dan banyak lagi...APA YANG NAK DIKATA ANDA NANTI?!
Saya mintak maaf kepada golongan yang tidak suka dengan fakta berikut..Saya insan yang lemah..tapi saya cuba perjuangkan kebenaran dan membandingkan keteguhan perlembagaan yang diamalkan sesebuah organisasi! Islam adalah teras perjuangan setiap org Muslim...Sebelum membaca Al-Quran, kita bermula dengan 'Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim'..dan mengakhiri dengan 'Sadaqallahualazim'.. Semua orang Islam di seluruh dunia membaca permulaan bacaan dan pengakhiran yang sama..Apa bezanya antara kita? Renungkanlah!
Yang benar,
Hamba ALLAH SWT yang tidak maksum
Saya sedia berbincang dan membahas..yang penting, jangan mengumpat belakang..Itu sifat org melayu dan dalam Islam berdosa besar..
Contact No : +62819636436, YM : aizie07
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
IPU report says Anwar's trial should be abandoned
2. Why does the author favor to Anwar the gay? Did he got one side of the story or just being ignorant? Who is Mark Trowell? He is actually a queen's counsel base in Australia. So this "Queen's Counsel" is staying in Australia but have the guts to write and condemn about legal system where it is clear that Australian law itself are racist towards their Indigenous people. The Australians are immigrants who came and "kill" the Indigenous in Australia and yet they talk about democracy and legality. Its ironic right? The same race that championing Anwar the gay "innocent", want Malaysia government to end Anwar the gay sodomy trial. Why?
3. Have any Malaysian ever question the Australian legal system? Have we ever meddle in ther internal affairs? Have we ever condemn their wrong doing towards the asians community leaving in Australia? NO! We Malaysia have never interfere with other countries system or law, why? Simple, we respect our friends and neighbours law and feelings.
4. Why Anwar the gay keep going outside Malaysia to get "support" in effort to free him from the sodomy charges? Are Malaysians not good enough to support him? Is PKR not good enough political party to fight for him? I forgot! Anwar the gay is loosing support locally and politically! He was given ultimatum by his own youth wing few weeks back.
5. it seems the Australians and US keep supporting Anwar the gay, why? Simple, he is their puppet and traitor to Malaysian!
6. If he is innocent, he was given many opportunities to clear his name like taking innocent oath on the Quran and presenting his DNA for testing. He did none of the above, why? Simple, he is guilty! I felt pity to the PKR supporters who believed in him because they have been lied directly to their face but no one seems to realized it!
7. Up to today, no one can prove to me that Anwar is a member of PKR. Why? After all, he is their "de facto" leader. What's the use of being a leader but not a member of the party that founded to fight your "injustice"?
Chin Peng Taking Legal Action?
2.Apek terrorist ni forgets that the government is following the rakyat request. If he is allowed to come back, there will be big riot protesting his "home coming" and I'm sure, DAP will have big dinner for this old and senile terrorist.
3. Apek terrorist claims that in the Haddyai peace treaty, it is agreed for all parties not to make any slanderous remarks such as "mass murderers" and "capitulation", so what should we labelled him? A kind person who gave permission for his followers to ends other peoples life or "convincing innocent farmers to end their life voluntarily"?
4. The master of death also threatens to bring his case to world court for justice. I think this is good idea, then the world court can also have a trial for all the murdering he committed directly or indirectly.
5. Chin peng and DAP only sees that he is "freedom fighter against colonial British rule". I must have missed something couse all I know, he is a communist!
7. We as the younger generation need to study our history closely, from what i have studied, Chin Peng the mass murderer and his communist army have not contributed anything to Malaysia, they only know how to kill villagers and our security forces.
8. We cannot allow this mass innocent people killer to come back as he has turn his back and bever repent for what he has done.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Malay Unity, Myth or Reality?
First let's see if it is possible. To have 100 % Malay unity would be awesome but in reality, it is not possible as no finger prints are alike. But to garner enough majority as voting power, it is reality. Why it is a reality is simple. All Malays would have 2 things in commen, religion and race.
All Malays would be Islam and Malay. You can be from Kelantan or Johor and still known as Malay. So why can't we stand united? It's simple. We have politicians who plays the race card to the extend it divides the Malay.
At the moment, Malays are divide by 3 major group. UMNO have the biggest Malay voters but the numbers are not enough to make UMNO as a single dominant Malay power house because we have Malays who are PAS and PKR voters. UMNO would love to have PAS voters but PAS have been brainwashing their members using religion issues and this makes it difficult for PAS members to cross into UMNO.
Issues like "if you support UMNO then you become infidels" have made PAS members scared to join UMNO. PAS dream of transforming Malaysia as 100% Islamic country can be achieved but without having majority support from the Malays, this would not happen. What PAS is doing now will only make the Malays loose because without total support from the Malays, the Malays vote will only mean nothing in changing Malaysia. By collabrating with PKR and DAP, PAS is actually making the Malays more divided. I guess this is what DAP and PKR want.
UMNO is strugling to get PAS Malays to join UMNO for the better future of Malays and Islam but PAS Malays don't see this. Are they blind?
I actually like the effort of PERKASA. Being NGO body, they can champion the Malays right without compromising any Malays principle. PAS, PKR and DAP may not like the support PERKASA gets from frustrated Malays as they sees this NGO is a puppet for UMNO. If this is true, I don't see what's wrong with it. The Malays have the right to defend and stand their grounds on Bumiputra rights! I for sure will not take accept if other race start questioning my rights as Malay and Bumiputra.
PAS and PKR members need to open their heart, mind and eyes when come to protect Malays right. Don't let others twist the facts just because they want to acheive their political objective.
This blog was updated via my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, October 8, 2010
I'm Back!
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