Friday, December 31, 2010

Khalid The Traitor

The recent Selangor state secretary appointment just shows how the Menteri Besar can be so rude to the Sultan's of Selangor directive. The state secretary can be appointed by Sultan of Selangor by selecting from the list of names provided by the Federal Secretary. It is the Sultan's perogative to appoint anyone he find suitable for the job. Khalid has no right to push or make "strong receommandation" on whom he wants as the State Sec.
In the recent news, it is known that Khalid would not attend the swearing in of the new state sce appointed by Sultan Selangor. Reason being is that he don't accept the new state sec appointed by the Sultan. Let me see:
  1. It was not in Khalid capacity to appoint the state sec so how can he cannot accept who the Sultan has appointed?
  2. By not accepting Sultan's Selangor choice, does this means Khalid being derhaka to the Sultan?
  3. In Selangor state constitution, the state sec must take his oath infront of the MB, if the MB don't want to be present at the ceremony, the state sec cannot perform his duties.
  4. Why is it that Khalid cannot accept the appointment when Sultan of Selangor can? Who the hell is Khalid?
  5. If Khalid refuse to attend the swearing oath ceremony even after Sultan of Selangor ordered him, can Khalid be charge as derhaka?
I see that Khalid has a lot to cover up. Perhaps he don't want to accept the new state sec appointment because he don't want what ever he or his "coalition" partners has mess up be brought or expose by the new state sec. I wish to see what Khalid has to say when the Sultan call him to the palace. It seems that at the moment, he got his dogs like lim kit siang and karpal singh to bark and give comments, actually who is running the state? Khalid or the old DAP dogs?

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What's In The News.

Finally I got soem time to update my blog. It has been busy month and year for me. At the moment, I'm waiting to board a flight to Kuantan.

In the past few months, many interesting news has captured the attention of Malaysian voters. From Anwar antics to PAS and DAP drama.

1. Anwar was kick out from the Parliment due to the APCO issue. It is damm pity he was not able to prove his evidance. It was not that he got no time, I would say he just don't have the prove. If Nazri Aziz can get proof that APCO have nothing to do with 1 Malaysia, how come Anwar cannot counter that?

2. Then the Selangor state goverment decided that 1Malaysia logo to be banned from being used for business as it is politically associated with BN. I think Selangor state government have made huge mistake! 1Malaysia is not politically motivated but a concept to drive this country forward. It unites the people, gave new vision for younger generation and focus to the nation. If the logo to be ban, why not also ban PR parties logo too? It was stupid of Ronnie Lieu to initiate the ban and more dumbass for Khalid to agree on it.

3. Sime Darby too did not miss to get into the spotlight. In an efford to divert publics attention to their RM1.2b loss, they decided to sue their ex CEO and few top management staff. It is ironic because, if you can be sued for loss of revenue, can you sue back if the company making money too? Why headhunting the small fries when the top guns are still there? Are they not accountable for the company loss too?

4. Some say it is difficult to win Selangor back form the opposition. I too feels the same way as the chinese voters are still with PR. The Malays are split, and Indians too are splitting.

I'll write again soon, for now, I need to board plane and do my work.

This blog was updated via my BlackBerry® smartphone