Well , after the big hu ha in the las UMNO general assembly, it is now clear what Najib have in his plate. Not only Najib has to "undo" everything Pak Lah has done, he has to step further in getting back the economy and support for BN too. It is a big task but I guess with "Flip Flop" out of the picture, things can move more freely now.
With the new cabinet line up, there are still some ungrateful party that threaten to pull out from BN as they claimed that indian community is not well represented. What an ass! How can adding more indian minister would better help their coommunity? Are they being minister would ensure their race being taken care of? I don't think so! We as Malaysia are being taken care of in general. This is what the indian leaders need to keep in their head. Samy was the minister of works before and he was there because of "BN power sharing" formula. In his tenure as Minister, what has he done to the indian community? I guess it is not enough as he lost his parlimentary seat! It only shows that he was not "taking care" of his own people. Now he wants to make a threat?
In the last by election we see that BN still does not have the support that they want. Well maybe BN has use the wrong tactics. I feel it is too early for BN to recover the voters trust after what FF (Flip Flop = Pak Lah) has done.
It does not suprised me to see BN lost Bukit Gantang and Selembau. People are still angry with BN. MAYBE with Najib as PM, things will change. The BN goverment need to address more important issues like:
- How to maintain economy balance in this turbulent economic crisis
- How to generate healthy cashflow in the country
- How to win back voters trust
- How to improve our economy situation for the future
- How to engage and combat the opposition dirty tactics and lies.
It is a lot of work but one has to start somewhere. I would prefer if Najib would concentrate more on the economy as the result would shows that he is doing something.
I would surely write more in days to come....
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