Saturday, October 9, 2010

Malay Unity, Myth or Reality?

It is just mind bogling to think we Malays would one day united under one political party. Some would say it is impossible or even myth as each Malays would have different understanding, political views and logic.

First let's see if it is possible. To have 100 % Malay unity would be awesome but in reality, it is not possible as no finger prints are alike. But to garner enough majority as voting power, it is reality. Why it is a reality is simple. All Malays would have 2 things in commen, religion and race.

All Malays would be Islam and Malay. You can be from Kelantan or Johor and still known as Malay. So why can't we stand united? It's simple. We have politicians who plays the race card to the extend it divides the Malay.

At the moment, Malays are divide by 3 major group. UMNO have the biggest Malay voters but the numbers are not enough to make UMNO as a single dominant Malay power house because we have Malays who are PAS and PKR voters. UMNO would love to have PAS voters but PAS have been brainwashing their members using religion issues and this makes it difficult for PAS members to cross into UMNO.

Issues like "if you support UMNO then you become infidels" have made PAS members scared to join UMNO. PAS dream of transforming Malaysia as 100% Islamic country can be achieved but without having majority support from the Malays, this would not happen. What PAS is doing now will only make the Malays loose because without total support from the Malays, the Malays vote will only mean nothing in changing Malaysia. By collabrating with PKR and DAP, PAS is actually making the Malays more divided. I guess this is what DAP and PKR want.

UMNO is strugling to get PAS Malays to join UMNO for the better future of Malays and Islam but PAS Malays don't see this. Are they blind?

I actually like the effort of PERKASA. Being NGO body, they can champion the Malays right without compromising any Malays principle. PAS, PKR and DAP may not like the support PERKASA gets from frustrated Malays as they sees this NGO is a puppet for UMNO. If this is true, I don't see what's wrong with it. The Malays have the right to defend and stand their grounds on Bumiputra rights! I for sure will not take accept if other race start questioning my rights as Malay and Bumiputra.

PAS and PKR members need to open their heart, mind and eyes when come to protect Malays right. Don't let others twist the facts just because they want to acheive their political objective.
This blog was updated via my BlackBerry® smartphone

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